Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Mood: sleepy
Listening to: Trading Yesterday - Long Song Requiem
Watching: monitor
Reading: ebay and paypal instructions
Drinking: mineral water
Eating: mandarin
Playing: GTA Vice City


This picture is a little bit old one. I drew it about in November's first week at Ayo. These are our Hetalia OCs as kitties :3. I havent submit this anywhere. Yesterday night i scanned it cos my friend Kumi wanted to see it, cos didnt remember how her kitty looks like xD, and if i scanned it, why dont i show it?

Today my mom called her bank to activate her NetBanker, and with Petroshia's help i transfered money to my paypal account, i hope that will arrive soon, and then we can order the wig, weeee !!!
I started a diet, yeah i want to lose weight, im chubbie, and for my health and cos i want to be sexy Denmark when i will cosplay him, i want to lose some kilos!!! I made a rule to myself, to not drink stuffs like cola, fruit juices and etc with too much sugar, instead of them im drinking mineral water (without bubbles version xD), and after 6PM i dont eat, just fruits, and from now on i dont eat sweets, chocolates and chips etc...!!! i dunno how long time i can keep these promises, i havent got enough will-power and im not so  assiduous  OTL... but i will try my best!!! YES I CAN!!!!!
but now i go, i still have to draw a commission and the free sketches. Bye~


Ayo said...

Awww de husik vagyunk :D Még nem is láttam magam színesbe :D
Egyébként nem hiszem hogy fogyóznod kéne, mert minek? De ha ennyire akarod, akkor sok sikert hozzá. Mellékesen nekem te leszel a legszexibb Deni, ha 120kg vagy, ha 35 XD

wallabby said...

lool pedig nálad szineztem ki x"D
mert én akarok azé! amugy se étkezem tul egészségesen
de nagyon köszönöm :3
ooooh *3* nekem meg a leghusibb Ájszü~

Ayo said...

Áháááá *w*
Remélem az is leszek XD

wallabby said...

biztosan :3

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